@article{Chen201461, title = "An image-space energy-saving visualization scheme for \{OLED\} displays ", journal = "Computers & Graphics ", volume = "38", number = "0", pages = "61 - 68", year = "2014", note = "", issn = "0097-8493", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cag.2013.10.020", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0097849313001611", author = "Haidong Chen and Ji Wang and Weifeng Chen and Huamin Qu and Wei Chen", keywords = "Energy saving visualization", keywords = "\{OLED\}", keywords = "Image space", keywords = "Illustrative visualization ", abstract = "Abstract Current energy-saving color design approaches can be classified into two categories, namely, context-aware dimming and color remapping. The former darkens individual regions with respect to the user interactions, and the latter replaces the color set with a new color set that yields lower energy consumption. Both schemes have drawbacks: color dimming tends to cause loss of perceptual quality, and color remapping is an offline color design process. This paper introduces a novel saliency-guided color dimming scheme for \{OLED\} displays in both the context of 3D visualization and 2D visualization. The key idea is to eliminate undesired details while enhancing the visually salient features of each frame on-the-fly by leveraging the color and spatial information. A parallelizable image-space salient region detection algorithm is introduced to make the entire process GPU-friendly and real-time. We apply our approach on several representative visualization scenarios and conduct a preliminary user study. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of our approach. " }